A victim and a suspect but is that possible? If a glass can be half empty is it not half full? Or in passin, to know if one is comin or goin, wouldn’t you need to know where they are from? Of course it’s not that simple there’s other variables.
A product of my environment strivin to thrive in a broken society. Where the rate of my success is higher in crime or violence. Immensely adamant my humanity frightens like lycans. So I’m labeled as a threat by death dealers and right wings.
Surrounded by tyrants. Tyranny headlines to spite me. Try to take a stand, obituaries reminding. Careful what u speak cuz shooters releasing blithely. Smoke-filled rooms and skies describe the climate.
Caught in the middle race wars drugs and cross streets. Terror comes in plenty of forms ain’t no disguisin. Forced to choose a side a vicious cycle we’re ridin. The past became history repeatin his story.
Judged on appearances emphasis on complexion. As if there’s no difference in hair color and skin. It’s blatant they don’t care or comprehend when we sing. I am not my hair a soul lives within.
Can you see me. Are you lookin. What do you see. A friend or an enemy who you want me to be. I AM who I gotta be it’s a necessity. I stand for the many I AM them they are me.
See with your eyes not with the thoughts you think. I AM who I gotta be all I can be is me. I’m done apologizin for your perception of me. I Am who I say I Am! I define my identity!
I Am
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